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"Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 (MAC)" Information

Supported languages: German - English - French - Chinese.

Basic features for photo enhancement

Most photos require some improvement. Issues with white balance and exposure often occur, but these can be easily resolved with Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023. This can be done without too much effort. Adjusting brightness and contrast is just as quick. With a few mouse clicks, you can transform ugly snapshots into professional-looking shots.


Creative possibilities in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023

Often, you may want to change certain areas of a photo while leaving others unchanged. Therefore, in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023, various selection tools are available. In addition to the usual rectangle and circle selections, there are functions that can automatically detect and select objects. These selected areas can then be modified to your liking, from cropping to color adjustment. Of course, the selection can also be inverted, which is useful if you want to swap the background. For example, if you want to change the sky in a landscape shot, this is particularly simple thanks to the integrated artificial intelligence. The sky is automatically detected, which allows you to give the photo a special atmosphere.


Creation of collages and image compositions

Would you like to create an attractive collage from multiple photos? With Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023, it's a breeze. The built-in assistants help you with many tasks, so you don't have to worry about every detail. You'll be guided step by step through the process until the result is perfect. You also have the opportunity to create interesting compositions by cutting out specific objects from photos and positioning them elsewhere in other shots. This allows you to create impressive designs, with almost no limit to your creativity.


Useful tools for editing portraits

Making portraits can be challenging. Shiny areas on the skin are often caused by the torch, but they can be easily removed. Skin problems can also be treated and made invisible. The color of the eyes can be changed as needed, and even the teeth and lips can be lightened and adjusted. Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 offers numerous features to enhance portraits.

Who is this software suitable for?

Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 is suitable for anyone who wants to get the most out of their photos, whether they are personal users or professionals. The software offers so many features that it is also suitable for professional use. With the built-in AI functionality of Adobe Sensei, you can animate photo selections and save them as GIF or MP4 files. This allows you to view the files on any device and is one of the advanced professional features of this software. With Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023, you can implement your photo and video editing projects in a simple and efficient way.

Minimum Requirements

Processor 6th generation Intel or newer, or AMD; Apple Silicon M1 processor or later versions

Operating system macOS 12, macOS 13 (13.4 or later versions)

Memory 8 GB of RAM

6GB of available hard drive space for installation

Screen resolution 1280x800 (with 100% scale factor)

Internet connection required for product activation and download of features and online content.


Spezifische Referenzen



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