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Green tick   Wiederverwendbar im Falle einer Formatierung

CHF 39.50    Wählen Sie ein digitales Produkt, sparen Sie am Preis
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New features of Autocad LT 2024


Use AutoLISP to simplify workflows and apply CAD standards through automation. Take advantage of thousands of previously written programs created for use in AutoCAD-based programs. Supports LSP, FAS, and VLX file types.

Smart Blocks: Positioning

The smart placement of blocks allows you to automatically position the blocks in your design based on where you have inserted them so far in your DWG file, reducing the number of clicks and saving time in the process.

Improved features


Count automates the counting of blocks or objects within a selected area or in the entire design with a menu to identify errors and navigate through the counted objects.

Floating windows

Detach the drawing windows to view them side by side or on multiple monitors, in the same instance of AutoCAD LT.


Add annotations and project modification notes without altering the existing design from the AutoCAD LT desktop as well as from web and mobile apps.

Sheet Group Manager

Open groups of sheets faster than ever. By using the Autodesk cloud platform, sending and opening groups of sheets to and from teammates is faster and safer.

XRIF Comparison

View the changes made to the current design from the modified external references.

Shared views

Publish design views of your drawing in a web browser for viewing and adding comments.

Complete 2D Documentation

Produce documentation and 2D drawings with a complete set of drawing, editing, and annotation tools.

Intuitive user interface

Access the tools when you need them: contextual tabs of the multifunctional bar, multifunctional grips, customizable tool palettes, and an intelligent command line.

Innovative Technologies

Get the latest technologies, including TrustedDWG™, support for high-resolution monitors, migration tools, and the AutoCAD desktop app.

This is a product in Educational Version.

System Requirements for AutoCAD LT 2024 (Windows)

Operating system Microsoft® Windows® 11 or Windows 10 version 1809 or later versions.

Processor Basic requirement: 2.5-2.9 GHz processor (base). ARM processors are not supported.

Recommended: processor of at least 3 GHz (base) or at least 4 GHz (turbo)

Memory Basic requirement: 8 GB Recommended: 16 GB

Screen resolution Conventional screens: 1920 x 1080 with 16.8 million colors

High-resolution and 4K screens: Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 (with compatible video card)

Video card Basic requirement: 1 GB GPU with 29 GB/s bandwidth and compatible with DirectX 11

Recommended: 4 GB of GPU with 106 GB/s of bandwidth and compatible with DirectX 12

Disk Space 10 GB (recommended SSD unit)

.NET Framework .NET Framework version 4.8 or later


Spezifische Referenzen



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