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Autodesk Revit LT Suite 2024

AutoCAD LT is the low-cost variant of AutoCAD. This CAD software provides the necessary tools to create powerful 2D projects. Draw, modify, and annotate your projects. The comprehensive 2D documentation increases speed and precision in the design phase.

Simplify your 2D project workflow with Autodesk AutoCAD LT's intuitive user interface. Develop context-dependent ribbon tabs, use multifunctional grips, explore customizable tool palettes, and take advantage of the intelligent command line.

Autodesk AutoCAD LT helps you optimize collaboration by clearly documenting data. Share projects with team members via desktop, web, or mobile application. In addition, AutoCAD LT offers the ability to share and use data from PDF files, DGN and Bing Maps.

AutoCAD Revit LT Suite also meets your BIM needs. Revit LT is the low-cost solution if you don't need the wide range of features of Revit. Use Revit LT to design and visualize powerful 3D drawings. Maintain an overview of the project thanks to its documentation features and work closely with your team.

Work more efficiently thanks to the features of Revit LT. Improve and shorten the design and construction process thanks to numerous modeling features. Revit LT offers a high-quality 3D visualization of the project. This allows you to create a better image for employees, partners, and customers. Especially for architects, Autodesk has added ready-to-use content to the program. Choose from a wide range of furniture, cubicles and windows.

Revit LT offers a range of documentation tools. Among other things, these tools allow for quickly generating a list of the necessary materials for each component. Furthermore, this program maintains an overview of the costs and quantities required for the project.

Autodesk Revit LT contributes to efficient collaboration. Your team can work together on a single coordinated model. When you or a team member make a change to a project, the other involved projects are automatically updated.

This is a product in Educational Version.


System Requirements for AutoCAD Revit LT Suite 2024

Revit LT 2024

Operating system 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 10.

Processor Intel®, Xeon® or i-Series with one or more cores or AMD® equivalent to SSE2 technology. The highest possible CPU speed is recommended.

Memory 8 GB RAM

Screen resolution Minimum: 1280 x 1024 with true colors Maximum: Ultra High Definition Monitor (4k)

Video adapter Basic graphics: display adapter capable of displaying 24-bit colors. Advanced graphics: graphics card compatible with DirectX® 11 with Shader Model 5 and at least 4 GB of video memory.

Hard disk space 30 GB of free space

AutoCAD LT 2024 (Windows)

Operating system Microsoft Windows 11 (64-bit Only) Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit Only) (version 1809 or higher)

Memory Base: 8 GB Recommended: 16 GB

Screen resolution:

Standard display: 1920x1080 (with true colors) High resolution and 4K display: resolutions up to 3840x2160 px are supported on 64-bit Windows 10 systems (with a suitable video card).

Video card:

Base: 1 GB GPU with a bandwidth of 29 GB/s and compatible with DirectX 11. Recommended: 4 GB GPU with a bandwidth of 106 GB/s and compatible with DirectX 12.

Hard disk space 10 GB

Processor Base: 2.5-2.9 GHz processor Recommended: 3+ GHz processor


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