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Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021

Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021

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CHF 39.50    Wählen Sie ein digitales Produkt, sparen Sie am Preis
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Features of the Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021 program

Edition N of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021: it does not include multimedia programs and technologies (e.g. Windows Media Player or Voice Recorder).

This is a special LTSC (Long Term Servicing Channel) version. Only security updates are downloaded and installed, and no feature updates.

Numerous premium features for a safe and stable system operation. Protection against modern security threats and system management in the professional area.

This edition of Windows is suitable for special computer systems. It is used, for example, in system controls or in automatic teller machines.

This Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021 edition is an operating system suitable for special computer systems. It is used, for example, in system controls and automatic teller machines. In this version, you benefit from various premium features that guarantee safe and stable operation. You can also manage your devices and your system professionally.

Furthermore, this Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021 edition is equipped with a "Long-Term Servicing Channel". This means that the operating system only downloads and installs security updates. Functional updates, on the other hand, are not included. Well-known applications such as Microsoft Store or Edge are also not included.

Advantages and main features of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC

- This version includes all the cumulative improvements from the past. These include updates 1903, 1909, 2004, 21H1, and 21H2.

- Thanks to the extended protection features, you are safe. For example, it enhances the security of your network and protects your system from modern threats such as viruses or worms. If you wish to protect files, folders, and entire drives, Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC also includes an encryption feature.

-If you want to open and test unreliable programs, an isolated desktop environment is available for this purpose. Windows Sandbox runs separately and is protected from the actual system. In case of problems, the normal operating system is not affected.

-This system is suitable only for the operation of special applications. For example, it is used in automatic teller machines. It is thin, efficient, stable and safe.

-In this special LTSC (Long Term Servicing Edition), only security updates are implemented. Functional updates, on the other hand, are not included. This means you benefit from a stable and secure system. Moreover, this edition does not contain superfluous applications like the Internet Edge browser. If necessary, such programs can still be installed manually (without Microsoft Store).

Minimum requirements

Processor 1 GHz or faster or SoC

Memory 32 bit: 1 GB; 64 bit: 2 GB of RAM

Disk Space 32 bit: 16 GB; 64 bit: 20 GB

Screen 800x600 pixels



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