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CHF 39.90    Wählen Sie ein digitales Produkt, sparen Sie am Preis
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Word 2019 for Mac offers new ways to work on documents, such as improved digital pen features, focus mode, learning tools, and translation. Here are the main new features from Word 2016 for Mac.

Tools for easy reading and more natural writing

If you are reading and writing in a language with which you are not familiar, or if you want to improve your reading experience, Word 2019 for Mac allows you to enhance your ability to communicate and absorb information.

If you are using a pen-enabled device, take advantage of the improvements made to drawing and writing.

Breaking down language barriers

It is possible to translate words or phrases into another language with Microsoft Translator. This can be done from the Review tab of the ribbon.

Translator Button with an English word and its translation in French

Improve the reading experience

Rest your eyes. Adjust the text spacing, column width and page color. Or, listen as Word reads the document aloud, highlighting the text as it reads.

Four learning tools available that make documents more readable

Drawing and writing with the digital pen

A customizable and portable set of pens (and pencils) allows you to write on a document in a natural way. Select an important element, draw, transform the pen input into a shape or perform mathematical operations.

Pens in Word for Mac

Increase the visual impact

With a collection of icons and a selection of 3D images to choose from, there have never been so many ways to enhance the visual impact of documents.

Add SVG icons and images

Add icons or scalable vector graphics (SVG) files to documents. Change the color, apply effects, and modify them according to your needs.

Change the graphic style of an icon

Getting the right perspective with 3D images

Just insert a 3D model and rotate it 360 degrees. Even the readers will be able to rotate it.

System Requirements:

Processor: Dual-core processor/recent macOS

Operating system: macOS Monterey (12), macOS Big Sur (11), macOS Catalina (10.15), and macOS Mojave (10.14).

Memory: 4 GB of RAM for Mac

Hard disk space: 10 GB for Mac

Screen: 1280 x 800 for Mac

Graphics: For hardware acceleration of PC graphics, a DirectX 10 graphics card is required.



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