The shipment will be delivered digitally via email within a few minutes of receiving the payment. These are ESD digital licenses, all product keys are original and do not have any expiry date, they can be reinstalled on the same activation device. By purchasing this product, you will receive the digital software to download from our servers along with the product key for software activation, including all instructions for proper installation.
License used and discarded by the previous owner in accordance with the judgement C.E. C-128/2011. see)
License valid for 1 device
Compatible with Windows
Immediate Digital Delivery
24/7 support also on Whatsapp
No deadline
Reusable in case of formatting
Perpetual updates
Every user and every device that connects to a remote desktop host session requires CAL (Client Access License) licenses. Use the Remote Desktop License Service to install, release, and keep track of Remote Desktop Services CAL licenses.
When a user or a device connects to a Remote Desktop Session Host server, the latter determines whether a Remote Desktop Services CAL license is required. The Remote Desktop Session Host server then requests a Remote Desktop Services CAL license from the Remote Desktop Licensing server. If an appropriate Remote Desktop Services CAL license is available in a licensing server, the license is issued to the client to allow connection to the Remote Desktop Session Host server and from there to the desktop or apps it is trying to use.
Use the following information to learn about the operation of Remote Desktop Services CAL licenses, and to deploy and manage the licenses:
Grant CAL (Client Access License) for the distribution of Remote Desktop Services
Information on the CAL Remote Desktop Services licensing model
Compatibility of Remote Desktop Services CAL License Versions
Information on the CAL Remote Desktop Services licensing model
CAL Licenses for Remote Desktop Services Device
CAL Licenses for Remote Desktop Services User
The following table describes the differences between the two types of CAL licenses: