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Autocad REVIT 2023

This version balances improvements and innovations: small updates that enhance the quality of life, and real game-changers for future work, such as the new Data Exchange workflows between Revit and Autodesk Docs, with many performance improvements aimed at faster computation, especially with large-scale models.

Expanded and refined modeling and documentation tools

Like Revit 2022, the 2023 version is full of improvements that concern the daily design and documentation workflows. We are refining the most used tools, so that immediate benefits can be seen. The abacus filters have been added to the boards, for example, to ensure that the right data ends up in the correct documentation sets. The abacuses continue to be generated with the addition of conditional formatting for families and types: this improvement comes from the requests of the Revit Community.

Display filters, more categories for cutting, and a new 3D measurement tool are present in Revit 2023, and mark the advancement of Revit at a professional level, from design to documentation.

More flexibility and control for structural engineers with an updated analytical modeling

Speed, versatility and quality control drive a shift towards a new analytical modeling workflow for structural engineers. Modeling in 2D and 3D views to define the analytical model independently from the physical model, or to start with a parametric approach; "analysis-first" to develop the analytical model for buildings, roof structures, pavilions, stairs and more.

With greater automation for steel joint libraries and many improvements for reinforcements, including adaptive positioning and improved visualization, Revit 2023 offers a comprehensive toolset for engineering and structural detailing.

The load analysis based on the plan for electrical engineers to save time in the early stages of a project.

A new workflow introduced in Revit 2023 is designed to use DWG, PDF, or linked Revit models as a basis for load calculations in Revit.

These load calculations, along with new features to conceptually define the elements of the electrical system, allow determining the preliminary load of the building and the load on the main components of the equipment directly in the Revit environment.

This is a product in Educational Version.  

Minimum requirements for Revit 2023

Operating System Microsoft® Windows® 10 or Windows 11 64-bit.

Type of CPU Intel® i-Series, Xeon®, AMD® Ryzen, Ryzen Threadripper PRO. At least 2.5 GHz.

Memory 8 GB of RAM


Minimum: 1280 x 1024 with 16.8 million colors

Massimo: Ultra high definition monitor (4k)

Video card Basic Graphics: Video card compatible with 24-bit colors

Advanced Graphics: Graphics card compatible with DirectX® 11 with Shader Model 5 and 4 GB of video memory

Disk Space 30 GB of free disk space


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