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Green tick Kostenlose Rückgabe innerhalb von 30 Tagen - Einzelheiten

Green tick  Kompatibel mit Windows

Green tick   Sofortige digitale Lieferung per E-Mail - Einzelheiten

Green tick   Schnelle Hilfe auch auf Whatsapp

Green tick   Wiederverwendbar im Falle einer Formatierung

CHF 47.40    Wählen Sie ein digitales Produkt, sparen Sie am Preis
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AUTOCAD 2023 Features

Additional Improvements

Inserting a block: the Redefine Block dialog box allows you to rename a block when the specified block name already exists in the design.

Options Dialog Window: a new operations dialog window requires to save or ignore changes made when attempting to close or cancel the Options dialog window.

Isolation mode: the selection of objects is now maintained when exiting isolation mode.

New design: by positioning the cursor on the New dropdown menu in the Home tab, a command description is displayed with the name of the template design file that will be used.

Customer Error Report (CER): The email address is now automatically filled in when an error report is generated.

Multi-core background publishing: The option to include hyperlinks is now supported when publishing a multi-sheet PDF file using background publishing.

This is a product in Educational Version.

System Requirements for AutoCAD 2023 (Windows)

Operating system Microsoft® Windows® 11 64-bit and Windows 10 version 1809 or later.

Processor Minimum requirement: 2.5-2.9 GHz processor (base). ARM processors are not supported.

Recommended: processor of at least 3 GHz (base) or at least 4 GHz (turbo)

Memory Minimum requirement: 8 GB Recommended: 16 GB

Screen resolution Conventional Displays: 1920 x 1080 with 16.8 million colors

High resolution and 4K screens: Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 (with compatible video card)

Graphics Card Minimum requirement: 1 GB GPU with 29 GB/s bandwidth and compatible with DirectX 11

Recommended: 4 GB GPU with 106 GB/s bandwidth and DirectX 12 compatible.

Disk space 10 GB (recommended SSD unit)

.NET Framework .NET Framework 4.8 or later versions


Spezifische Referenzen



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