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Green tick  Kompatibel mit Windows

Green tick   Sofortige digitale Lieferung per E-Mail - Einzelheiten

Green tick   Schnelle Hilfe auch auf Whatsapp

Green tick   Wiederverwendbar im Falle einer Formatierung

CHF 34.50    Wählen Sie ein digitales Produkt, sparen Sie am Preis
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Autodesk Inventor 2023 is a powerful 3D CAD software that uses a specific set of tools for mechanical design and engineering to bring your most ambitious projects to life.

Inventor 2023 News

The Inventor 2023 version of the software introduces updates and improvements requested by customers for:

-Simplify the management of the design process;

-Speed up the design workflow;

-Reduce repetitive activities that do not add value.

With the new Home interface, you can access data more easily and intuitively, and use graphics similar to other Autodesk home products.

With the Inventor 2023 version, you can transfer data from other Autodesk software to Inventor more quickly and efficiently.

With the Mark command, you can better prepare your projects for production by exporting sheet metal parts and dimensional tolerances in additional machining.

You can check the additional settings in the bill of materials as components are added and removed from the project. There is also the possibility to check the component list, managing tolerances. Performance and productivity improvements for graphics and large assemblies are also included.

You can work with a clear improvement in performance for models containing complex geometries and large assembly projects.

With the introduction of new methods for documenting 3D views and annotations, you can make your projects more understandable during the production phase, particularly with the creation of views and definition based.

This is a product in Educational Version.

System Requirements for Autodesk® Inventor® 2023 (Windows)

Operating System Microsoft® Windows® 11 and Windows 10 64-bit.

CPU Recommended: At least 3 GHz and 4 cores Minimum: At least 2.5 GHz

Memory Recommended: At least 32 GB of RAM Minimum: 16 GB of RAM for assemblies with less than 500 parts

Disk Space Installation program and complete installation: 40 GB


Recommended: 4 GB of GPU with 106 GB/s bandwidth and compatible with DirectX 11

Minimum: 1 GB GPU with 29 GB/s bandwidth and compatible with DirectX 11

Display Resolution

Recommended: 3840 x 2160 (4K); preferred proportions: 100%, 125%, 150% or 200%

Minimum: 1280 x 1024

Memory Recommended: At least 64 GB of RAM


Spezifische Referenzen



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