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Green tick   Gültiger Schlüssel für 1 Gerät - Kein Ablaufdatum

Green tick Kostenlose Rückgabe innerhalb von 30 Tagen - Einzelheiten

Green tick  Kompatibel mit Windows

Green tick   Sofortige digitale Lieferung per E-Mail - Einzelheiten

Green tick   Schnelle Hilfe auch auf Whatsapp

Green tick   Wiederverwendbar im Falle einer Formatierung

CHF 44.90    Wählen Sie ein digitales Produkt, sparen Sie am Preis
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Shared Creation

You and your colleagues can open and work on the same PowerPoint presentation. This operation is called shared creation. When you create in shared mode, you can quickly view each other's changes, in just a few seconds.

Better collaboration with modern comments

It is possible to send comments to co-authors and be productive thanks to a consistent comment creation experience in presentations and other Office apps.

You always know who contributes to the presentation.

See who else is working with you and at what point in the presentation.

Visual Update

Use a modernized Start experience and the newly updated tabs on the multifunction bar. Discover a clean and clear style with monoline iconography, the neutral color palette, and rounded window corners. These updates communicate action and provide functionality with simple visual objects.

Presentation of new and improved record

Record Presentation now supports speaker video recordings, pen input recordings, and laser pointer recordings.

Use the Record, Pause, and Resume buttons to control the narration and recording of the exploration.

Reproduce the input pen features

Now it is possible to apply the new Play or Rewind animation to the pen input and achieve the drawing effect directly in the presentations. You can adjust the timing of these animations by speeding them up or slowing them down to achieve the desired experience.

Find the information you need with Microsoft Search

In the upper part of the Microsoft Office apps on Windows, there is the new Microsoft search box. This powerful tool allows you to quickly find what you are looking for, such as text, commands, help, and more.

Save the changes as soon as they are made

It is possible to upload files to OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint Online to ensure that all updates are automatically saved.

Arrange the elements in the slides for the usefulness for screen reading.

Display the elements in order for screen reading. It is possible to rearrange them according to needs to communicate the message effectively.

Link to a slide

Reach out to a colleague to collaborate on the presentation and start directly from the slide you need help with.

Increase the reach of the content

Accessibility Check keeps track of your documents and informs you in the status bar when it finds an item to review. Try by clicking on Check > Accessibility Check.

Support for OpenDocument Format (ODF) 1.3

Now support for the OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 is included. The ODF 1.3 specification adds support for many new features.

Updated Drawing Card

It is possible to access and quickly modify the color of all the pen input tools, all in one location.

Simplify the way the pen input is used with the new features of the Drawing tab: Point Eraser, Ruler, and Lasso.

Choosing the perfect color

Based on user feedback, we have added a new input field in the Colors dialog box for hexadecimal color values. It is not necessary to convert hexadecimal color values into RGB values.

For any property where it is possible to define a color, it is now possible to enter a hexadecimal color value in the Hexadecimal box, for example #0F4C81 or 444.

Try the Freehand Style

It is possible to give a casual and hand-drawn look to the shapes in the workbook with the Freehand Style.

Try the Curved, Freehand, or Scribble options in Format Shape > Line > Freehand Style.

Minimum system requirements:

  • Dual-core processor, 1.6 GHz or faster
  • 2.0 GHz + for Skype for Business
  • 4 GB of RAM for 64-bit; 2 GB of RAM for 32-bit systems
  • 4.0 GB of free disk space
  • Screen resolution 1280 x 768 or higher
  • Windows 10, Windows Server 2019
  • Requires DirectX 9 or higher, with WDDM 2.0 or higher for Windows 10
  • Internet access is not required. Activation - based on the Internet or telephone, and KMS or MAK for businesses.

N.B. (Please note that "N.B." stands for "Nota Bene" in Italian, which means "Note Well" in English. The text to be translated is missing in the prompt.) Compatible with Windows 11 and Windows 10



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