Microsoft Office Outlook |» Tutto ciò che devi sapere

Microsoft Office Outlook

Microsoft Outlook: Esplora le Funzionalità Avanzate di Tutte le Versioni

Microsoft Outlook, un'applicazione sviluppata da Microsoft Corporation e integrata nella suite Microsoft Office, si configura come un potente strumento di gestione delle informazioni personali (PIM) e un sofisticato client di posta elettronica.

Tra le caratteristiche principali, che troviamo su Outlook Office:

  • Calendario: Organizza gli impegni e le scadenze in modo efficiente con il calendario integrato di Outlook.

  • Agenda delle Attività: Gestisci i tuoi compiti quotidiani e progetti con la comoda agenda delle attività, garantendo una visione chiara e organizzata delle tue responsabilità.

  • Note: Annota idee, appunti e pensieri rapidi direttamente in Outlook, mantenendo tutto a portata di mano.

  • Diario: Tieni traccia delle tue attività giornaliere e rifletti sui tuoi progressi con la funzione di diario di Outlook.

  • Contatti (Rubrica): Gestisci facilmente la tua lista di contatti, mantenendo tutte le informazioni importanti a portata di clic.

  • Posta Elettronica: Sfrutta un potente client di posta elettronica per gestire la tua corrispondenza in modo efficiente e organizzato.

Scopri tutte le versioni di Microsoft Outlook e massimizza la tua produttività con un software completo che va oltre le aspettative di un semplice client di posta. Affronta le sfide quotidiane acquistando una licenza di Outlook e rimani sempre un passo avanti.


    Shipment delivered digitally via email within a few minutes of receiving payment, these are ESD digital licenses, all product keys are original and do not have any expiration, they can be reinstalled on the same activation device. By purchasing this product you will receive the digital software to download from our servers with the attached product key for software activation, including all instructions for proper installation. License used and discarded by the previous owner under the judgment C.E. C-128/2011 (see) License valid for 1 device Compatible with Mac Immediate Digital Delivery 24/7 support also on Whatsapp No expiration Reusable in case of formatting Perpetual updates


    Shipping delivered digitally via email within a few minutes of receiving payment, these are ESD digital licenses, all product keys are original and have no expiry date, they can be reinstalled on the same activation device. By purchasing this product you will receive the digital software to download from our servers with the product key for software activation attached, including all instructions for a correct installation. 

    License used and dismissed by the previous owner according to the C.E. C-128/2011 ruling (see)

    Green tick  License valid for 1 device

     Green tick Compatible with Windows

    Green tick  Immediate Digital Delivery

    Green tick  24/7 Support including on Whatsapp

    Green tick  No expiration

    Green tick  Reusable in case of formatting

    Green tick  Perpetual updates



    Green tick   Key valid for 1 device - No expiration date

    Green tick Free return within 30 days - Details

    Green tick  Compatible with Mac

    Green tick   Immediate Digital Delivery via Email - Details

    Green tick   Quick Assistance also on Whatsapp

    Green tick   Reusable in case of formatting



    Green tick   Key valid for 1 device - No expiration date

    Green tick Free return within 30 days - Details

    Green tick  Compatible with Windows

    Green tick   Immediate Digital Delivery via Email - Details

    Green tick   Quick Assistance also on Whatsapp

    Green tick   Reusable in case of formatting



    Green tick   Valid key for 1 device - No Expiration

    Green tick Free return within 30 days - Details

    Green tick  Compatible with Mac

    Green tick   Immediate Digital Delivery via Email - Details

    Green tick   Quick Assistance also on Whatsapp

    Green tick   Reusable in case of formatting



    Green tick   Valid key for 1 device - No Expiration

    Green tick Free return within 30 days - Details

    Green tick  Compatible with Windows

    Green tick   Immediate Digital Delivery via Email - Details

    Green tick   Quick Assistance also on Whatsapp

    Green tick   Reusable in case of formatting



    Green tick   Valid key for 1 device - No Expiration

    Green tick Free return within 30 days - Details

    Green tick  Compatible with Windows

    Green tick   Immediate Digital Delivery via Email - Details

    Green tick   Quick Assistance also on Whatsapp

    Green tick   Reusable in case of formatting