Visual Studio Professional 2022
Professional tools and services for individual developers or small teams.
Even greater productivity
Better understanding of the code
Visual Studio Professional 2022 provides powerful features for quickly understanding code. CodeLens helps you focus on your work by showing code references, indicating the last user who modified a method, or identifying the progress of tests, all directly from the point in the code where you are.
Possibility of offering a fantastic mobile experience
Optimize the mobile application development team
Visual Studio Professional 2022 includes features that extend the mobile application development experience. Deploy native apps for Android, iOS, and Windows through professional and unrestricted mobile application development, code sharing, and debugging.
Connection to the cloud
Getting the most out of Visual Studio 2022
Always stay updated
Write the code more efficiently with the predefined features and downloads.
Collaborate seamlessly without leaving the editor
Infinite possibilities of creation
Any app, for any platform
Create applications for multiple devices, for multiple PCs, and for the Web, all based on the cloud and your existing applications and skills. Cross-platform technologies allow you to create applications for Windows, Android, and iOS from a single development solution.
More extensive collaboration
Even faster software distribution
The subscription to Visual Studio Professional includes Azure DevOps, a collection of services to accelerate planning, creation, and deployment of applications in any cloud or on-premise. Take advantage of agile planning tools, a continuous integration and delivery plan, source code control management, and artifact repository.
Minimum system requirements for Visual Studio 2022 Professional
Operating Systems :
It is supported in the following x64 bit operating systems:
Windows 11 version 21H2 or later.
Windows 10 version 1909 or later.
Windows Server 2022: Standard and Datacenter.
Windows Server 2019: Standard and Datacenter.
Windows Server 2016: Standard and Datacenter.
Processor :
1.8 GHz or higher at 64 bit; Quad-core or better recommended. ARM processors are not supported.
Minimum 4 GB of RAM. It is advisable to have 16 GB of RAM for typical professional solutions.
Hard disk space :
At least 850 MB up to 210 GB of available space.
Video Card :
Minimum display resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768); Visual Studio will perform best at a resolution of 1920 by 1080 or higher.